About Us

Welcome to our page, we are Harley, Rachal, Leo and Rydell Denio. And for those of you wondering how to pronounce our last name, it’s just like saying “denial,” but without the L. Hi! 

We are a family of 4 – plus our furry sheep-a-doodle baby, Boba – living in the Pacific Northwest. We started hauling our babies back and forth across the country from 6 weeks old, and we haven’t stopped since. Family spread apart plus a natural curiosity and interest in adventuring and discovery has taken us to multiple places around the United States, and we just did our first big international escapade during summer 2023. 

We’re just regular people, living our regular lives, with jobs, school obligations, and all the hustle and bustle that modern life provides. We fly economy, love a good discount, and have learned a lot from our years of airplane travel with children. As a couple, Harley and I do everything we can to prioritize fun, adventures, and to truly embrace the spirit of carpe diem/YOLO/smell the roses, and if our children can learn one thing from us, let it be that. Sometimes it means hopping on a plane at the last minute, at other times it’s as simple as a nice walk through on a dirt path on a beautiful day. But whatever it is, we want to enjoy it to the best of our abilities, and we want to enjoy it together. 

Thank you for following along on our adventures.

